Personal information Other information Preference Environment Finally E-mail This is the registration form to sign up for the waiting list. It consists of five pages and it takes about 10 minutes. It is important to take the time for this so we are able to make a best possible match between you and the puppy. First name * Surname * Address Zip code City Country Phonenumber Email * How did you find out about the Tamaskan breed? How did you find Alegria Tamasken? Why do you want a Tamaskan? From when can a puppy be placed? Why from this moment on? And how long are you willing to wait for a puppy? Do you have a gender preference? No Male Female What's the reason of this gender preference? Will you breed with your Tamaskan in the future? Yes No Witch activities would you do with your Tamaskan? What kind of character / temperament are you looking for? Friendly and social Confident and active Calm and reserved Stanch Loyal and protective Friendly and submissive Active and energetic Playful and goofy Easy to train Motivated by food Motivated by play Good with small children Good with other dogs Good with other pets What is your housing situation? Apartment Family house Detached Do you have a garden? Yes, a small garden Yes, a medium size garden Yes, a big garden No, I don't have a garden Where does the dog stay? Insite Outsite How many ours per day is the dog alone? How many days of the week is the dog alone? How often do you walk your dog? How many ours do you walk per day? Do you have children? If yes, how old are they? Do you have other pets? Yes No Are you willing to come to the breeder? To get acquainted * Yes No I would like a online meeting Do you have any questions and / or comments?